Handbag, tote bag, shoulder bag, clutch bag, bucket bag, tote bag, doctor bag, evening bag, day bag or work bag: discover our wide range of exclusive limited-edition models in our online catalogue.
Cordiz leather goods are designed as precious objects that reflect high-quality work and boast top-of-the-range finishes. What's more, they're made from the finest leathers. At Cordiz, we have nothing but luxury bags made in France and entirely handmade with love and with the greatest regard for artisanal techniques.
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The Loti is our wallet bag with a removable strap. Its apparent simplicity on the outside conceals its many compartments. Open it, and you will discover the careful design of this small leather piece, which optimises...
The Loti is our wallet bag with a removable strap. Its apparent simplicity on the outside conceals its many compartments. Open it, and you will discover the careful design of this small leather piece, which optimises...
The Loti is our wallet bag with a removable strap. Its apparent simplicity on the outside conceals its many compartments. Open it, and you will discover the careful design of this small leather piece, which optimises...
The Loti is our wallet bag with a removable strap. Its apparent simplicity on the outside conceals its many compartments. Open it, and you will discover the careful design of this small leather piece, which optimises...
Showing 65-68 of 68 item(s)